Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The personal is political and the political is universal

The Personal

I have wrestled thoughts that jump me in the middle of the night and quiet out-of-control imaginations so that I may at least enjoy sleep. But sometimes, desire haunts me as if it were a live entity, demanding from me resolution or answers, action or climaxes…and I vent to my pen, scribbling emotions, so that I may later make sense of…

The Universal

Like love and knowing. And what is it that makes us aware of someone else’s very breath, their every nuance, the way they smile or laugh, the faint wrinkles around their eyes, the way the bangles on their hands sing as they walk past, not really inviting, but definitely teasing and/or mind-seducing you, causing you to write words dripping in adjectives forgetting about commas and full stops, because you don’t want it to stop.

And then there are others who drop rose petals so that our feet never touch the ground, and yet they remain invisible to us. Their love goes unnoticed. Why don’t we fall for that? Is it that love is made too easy, too much within reach, too accessible. No fight, no gain, and no gain means no embrace, no sweet whisperings, no wet sheets, can’t get any sleep tonight moments. Except the tears for the beloved, they leave on pillow cases, illuminated in morning’s light.

The Personal

There are times when that Love/Beloved status changes, and when do I find a common ground without settling for what’s available, rather that waiting for my desire to be requited. While I wait, I am learning to love me, my nuances and my quirks, my stupid grin, my low guttural wolf sound I make when I’m thinking. My need for solitude for freedom, my moods, my grumpiness, my flowing locks, that gets in the way….ooops another story.

How can I expect someone to really love me, if I haven’t first loved myself completely. Love the goodness, the God within me, so that someone may see that hint, or hue, hear that divine sound, spark, or however people see love and attraction. I must first be my own lover, my own companion and embrace me as a whole, as loving, as love.

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