“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” I would like to think that the faith within our hearts is stronger that the book we live by. They can burn a million books, but they can’t out the fire of my faith within me. One ignorant act can create a domino effect of a blood bath, and will it be justified? Will the screams of women and innocent children be the retribution to one single match?
The world is filled with many ignorant individuals, but ignorance is fuelled by uncontrolled egos, and when you add them all up, their formula equals mass destruction. And in a world of a million followers and one leader, blind faith is a dangerous catalyst that can burn like bush fire through a virgin forest.
Followers rarely step back and examine pre-actions, and leaders most times are too busy creating strategies to stroke their egos, so that they may shine in their own glory as news-networks across the world treat them like the paparazzi treats movie stars. What would happen if ignorance is downplayed, and treated for what it is, a jackass looking for fame, at the closing of a people’s holy season.
It’s like children in a playground. The bully awakens the fear among the weak, and the weak are considered cowards for not fighting back. When in reality the bully hides his fear behind his actions. Most times it’s the unpopular kid looking for a little attention. And we all know there is good and bad attention, but attention is attention at the end of the day. As adults we play the same “Look at me, look what I can do” games in the hopes that we will get the attention we seek.
Sometimes adulthood is simply years masking childhood insecurities that have been left to ferment and stink.
In my opinion, Mr Jones is getting far too much publicity for his ignorance and notice, I said Mr and not pastor, and the closer some claim to be to God the further back they stand. Whatever Mr. Jones views are on Islam, it’s his views. We are all guilty of condemning other’s beliefs, maybe not publically, but if we examine ourselves, we do.
We live in a land where democracy is the king of freedom of expression. Jones burning of the Koran is his act of bullying. It is a shame that he can’t live and let live, and allow other groups the freedom and right to worship. But the more attention we place on him, creates that domino effect that can spiral out of control.
Sensationalism as it stands sells news, and increases ratings, but even that has its price...especially with today’s self serving agendas. There is hardly any consideration placed on the needs of our fellow man, because from major conglomerates to individuals, masturbation is really the order of the day.